Selasa, 18 Januari 2011


noun phrase (abbreviated NP) is a phrase whose head is a noun or a pronoun, optionally accompanied by a modifier set.Noun phrases are very common cross-linguistically, but some languages like Tuscarora and Cayuga have been argued[by whom?] to lack this category.
verb phrase or VP is a syntactic structure composed of the predicative elements of a sentence and its function is to provide information about the subject of the sentence.
An adverbial phrase (AdvP) is a linguistic term for a group of two or more words operating adverbially, when viewed in terms of their syntactic function.
Compare the following sentences:
  • I'll go to bed soon.
  • I'll go to bed in an hour.
  • I'll go to bed when I've finished my book.

independent clause (or main clause) is a clause that can stand by itself, also known as a simple sentence. An independent clause contains a subject and a predicate; it makes sense by itself.
Multiple independent clauses can be joined by using a semicolon or a comma plus a coordinating conjunction (for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so).
  • I love penguins. (simple sentence)
  • I drive a bus. (simple sentence)
  • I am a doctor, and my wife is a lawyer. (compound sentence made up of two independent clauses: I am a doctor and my wife is a lawyer)
  • I want to be a nurse, but I need to receive my science degree. (compound sentence made up of two independent clauses:

dependent clause (also subordinate clause) is a clause used in conjunction with the independent clause, augmenting or attributing it. Dependent clauses cannot stand alone as a sentence; instead, they always modify the independent clause of a sentence. Although a dependent clause contains a subject and a predicate, it sounds incomplete when standing alone. Some grammarians use the term subordinate clause as a synonym for dependent clause, but in the majority of grammars, subordinate clause refers only to adverbial dependent clauses.
A simple sentence is a sentence structure that contains one independent clause and no dependent clauses.
  • The runner jumped.
This simple sentence has one independent clause which contains one subject, runner, and one predicate, jumped.
compound sentence is composed of at least two independent clauses. It does not require a dependent clause. The clauses are joined by a coordinating conjunction (with or without a comma), a correlative conjunction (with or without a comma), or a semicolon that functions as a conjunction. A conjunction can be used to make a compound sentence. The use of a comma to separate two independent clauses is called a comma splice and is generally considered an error (when used in the English language).
ex..My friend invited me to a tea party, but my parents didn't let me go

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